OnlineBodySchemaAdaptation  2.0
Online Body Schema Adaptation & Markerless eye-hand kinematic calibration

We propose a markerless hand pose estimation software for the iCub humanoid robot. The agent can calibrate its eye-hand kinematic chain without any markers which, from a developmental psychology perspective, can be seen as a body schema adaptation.


Repository Organization:

The code is divided into three logical components modules:

i) the hand pose estimation (see handPoseEstimation-module); ii) the Robot’s Internal Model generator (see internalModel); iii) the likelihood assessment (see likelihoodAssessment);

which are implemented, respectively, at the following repository locations:

The software architecture implementing the proposed eye-hand calibration solution can be seen in the following picture:

How to install

Please refer to the documentation:

Installation Guide

Running the Modules

Please refer to the documentation:

How to run the modules


If you use this code please cite the following reference:

ARTICLE{ 10.3389/frobt.2016.00007,
AUTHOR={Vicente, Pedro  and  Jamone, Lorenzo  and  Bernardino, Alexandre},
TITLE={Online body schema adaptation based on internal mental simulation and multisensory feedback},
JOURNAL={Frontiers in Robotics and AI},

The full open-access article can be found here

Pedro Vicente