OnlineBodySchemaAdaptation  2.0
How to run the modules

How to run the modules guide

Running the internal model

Open a terminal and execute the internal model:

icub-internalmodel-rightA-cam-Lisbon.exe -force-opengl

The internal model should start showing a high FPS value (depending on your machine)

Testing with the Dataset

Open a yarpdataplayer


and choose the root folder of the dataset.

Open a yarpmanager


and open the XML file:


NOTE: If you do not have ICUBContrib or a make install, the handPoseEstimation will not be found by yarpmanager, you can run it on a terminal on the respective build/bin folder.

You should have a yarpmanager similar to this:


Push the run button (1) . (and the three modules should appear green)

Connected the ports (2) .

Open a terminal and type:

yarp rpc /hpe/rpc:i

Then, you can type


to see the options available, but the most important command is:


and the superimposed fingertips will appear on the two yarpviews.

Testing with another robot

Edit the template:


in particular the connection between the both left and right cameras and the head and arm encoders. Open the XML with yarpmanager


After running the modules and connecting the ports, follow the same procedure has the testing with the Dataset section.

Pedro Vicente