OnlineBodySchemaAdaptation  2.0
Installation Guide

Step-by-Step Installation Guide


Check its dependencies before installing this module:



Open a terminal.

Go to the handPoseEstimation module root folder:

mkdir build && cd build
ccmake ..

Press c (twice) and, if no error occurs, press g do generate.

Compile the code:


and if you have the ICUBcontrib repository installed do a

make install
The installation process is similar if you are installing this module in a Windows machine)

Likelihood Assessment

Check its dependencies before installing this module:


Open the cmake-gui executable


In the section where is the source code , insert the path (absolute path):


In the section where to build the binaries , insert the path (absolute path):


and press the configure button, choosing the 32 bit version of your compiler

The variable CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR will appear and should point to

C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v6.5\common

or similar, according to the CUDA version installed.

Press generate and open the CUDAcompareEdge2.sln file (which is inside the build folder)

choose Release version, set CudacompareEdge2 as the Startup project, and build the project.

You should have now a CudacompareEdge2.dll file inside the Release folder.

Robot's Internal Model

Compile the Yarp Bindings for C#:

You should have a yarp.dll file after installing the bindings.

Copy the CudacompareEdge2.dll file (generated during the compilation of the likelihood Assessment) and the yarp.dll to:

Pedro Vicente